A Golden Saturday

The backyard is currently filled with beautiful orange daylilies, which are an absolute delight to see.

I've been blessed with many bulb plants from a friend who was decluttering her garden. These plants have been thriving for over five years, getting bigger and better each year. We make sure to trim them back annually.

I need to recall the name of these plants - they are similar to morning glories and love to hug the ground.

Well, I don't know if they actually "love" to hug the ground - 
but they tend to do that. 

This morning, my pets Laydee and Susie woke me up in a funny way. Laydee tried to push me out of bed while Susie, my cat, walked all over me.

Well, I'm up now!

Good morning to the little guys—there are six of them in the lower pond area. They are more familiar with my husband and will, at times, nibble out of his hand.

Goldfish are amazing outdoor pets. They grow big, are hardy, and live for quite a few years. We had a batch that reached ten years old before a heron decided to make them its supper. Who knows how many more years they had? 

That was truly disappointing. We enjoyed them so much! 

The Frameless Rembrandt -
A multi-sensory Art Experience

I'd love to see this in person, and it's interesting how they brought it to life. 

 How it comes together at the Museum. 

Today, I'm having a relaxed day indoors. I thought I'd wait until this morning to bring the garbage cans in from the front. I've also been doing a couple of loads of laundry to free up some space in the dirty clothes hamper. I know that when my husband gets back, he'll have a bag full of dirty, smelly clothes, so I want to get them washed as soon as possible.

Yesterday I watched way more television than I am used to - the shows my husband wouldn't want to watch. I finished watching the Hulu documentary about a Redding woman who faked her kidnapping and another one about the Jonestown cult I wanted to finish. This was especially memorable for me because Jim Jones was from San Francisco and was well-liked by local politicians. Obviously, they didn't know him well. He was always in the newspaper and receiving awards. I thought he was shady back then, but of course, at that time, I had no way of knowing just how shady he really was. It was also significant to me because the congressman who was murdered was my congressman, Leo Ryan.

I watched a documentary about the Parkland Hospital doctors in Dallas concerning JFK's autopsy, what they saw, and what they were told by the Government to cover up.  I have always believed there were at least 2 shooters!

I was in the 4th grade when President Kennedy was shot. It was a Friday, and all the teachers were crying. Then we kids wanted to know why, and some older kids told us that now that he had died, we all had to go to school on Saturdays. So some of us started crying. Plus, they canceled the ice cream we usually had on Fridays.

The full impact of the situation didn't hit me until I arrived home—my mom was in tears, and even the neighbors were crying. That weekend, we decided to stay home and watch the news coverage from morning until night. Depressing. 

Can you recall where you were when President Kennedy was assassinated?

That's all I've got for today. 

Remember to stay cool and hydrated. 



  1. I do not remember when Kennedy was shot (I was 18 months old)..and I know it was tragic but I had to smile when you said they canceled ice cream!! I love all your flowers. Our daylilies are yellow and are so pretty but those orange ones are stunning! Hope you are staying cool. It is a scorcher today!! Happy Saturday!

    1. At that moment that is all we kids were concerned with. Saturday school and no ice cream for that day!
      I thought I had some yellow ones but I guess I was wrong. I like the yellow too

  2. Your daylilies are really pretty!

    1. Thanks Sherry. Every year I say I want to get some different colors and then do nothing.

  3. The orange daylilies are pretty, I don't see or notice a lot of orange flowers.
    The shows you watched sound like shows I would watch.
    Where was I when Kennedy was shot, well I was 1yr old so now idea.

  4. I was in the 7th grade in Spanish class.
    Love the day lilies, they are starting to bloom all around here now.

  5. Your daylilies are gorgeous! I used to have some before the deer ate them at our last house. I tried to start some here, but they didn't come back the next year. I love them, but they don't love me apparently. Sorry about the heron and the goldfish! Our friend Annie in NJ (Cottage by the Sea) had the same unfortunate experience and does not like to see pictures of my Great Blue Heron on Still Waters Pond. I understand. When JFK was assassinated I was in 8th grade, seems like it was our Social Studies class. They announced it in the classroom and we all were very upset and shocked and scared. I've always thought there were more shooters too, and probably not Lee Harvey Oswald. He was a patsy, as he said himself before he was gunned down. I don't know if we will ever learn the real truth in our lifetime...probably not even in the next generation. But God knows the truth, and maybe He'll tell us all about it in heaven. That was the beginning of a lot of sorrow for my generation...they killed his brother Bobby, and Martin Luther King Jr. and then there was the Viet Nam war...life was never the same for us baby boomers after all of that. And don't forget John Lennon of the Beatles...yeah, those were sad times. I'm glad this world is not our final home. Take care my friend across the continent! Stay "cool, calm and collected". Hope the guys come home safely and happily, even if dirty and in need of a shower and laundry done. It sounds like a fun weekend.

    1. You’re right. Lee Harvey Oswald did say he was a patsy and that has stuck with me. Oh and Jack Ruby shooting Oswald on television. I was watching it when it happened. Although I didn’t know exactly what was happening at the time but that was something. I also was watching the news when Bobby Kennedy was shot in LA. It was around 11ish at night and I ran into my parents bedroom to tell them. I was in the 8th grade.
      We baby boomers sure have seen the worst and the best. Amazing historic times we lived.

  6. Such pretty daylilies. Mine are not even putting out buds yet.

    I was at school when Kennedy was shot and didn't know anything about it until I arrived home. My mom cut every news article out and made a scrapbook supposedly for me. I don't think I ever really received it.

    God bless.

    1. Oh they will.
      Well it was the thought. She knew it was historic. I wonder where it went????

  7. Could those white flowers be moon flowers? I have lemon yellow daylilies and they are blooming profusely now. Janice

    1. Yes that’s it! Moon flowers! Oh the lemon yellow must be pretty.

  8. Your Orange on this beautiful Saturday is quite stunning...Your daylilies are so very bright and the orange fish, I know are so pleasant for you all to watch. Sounds like you have had a very enjoyable Saturday. Sometimes it is nice to get to watch the kind of movies and shows that we like....I know that my husband likes a lot of different kind of shows that I prefer not to watch. I remember where I was when JFK was assassinated.. We were at home and I had been outside playing with my brothers. We knew something was wrong the min we walked in the door. It was kinda scary for a me as a 10 year old. Especially because we did not live that far from the Dallas area. I have never visited the school book depository, however, we have passed that very location numerous tme. I always think about the devastation that took place that day.

    1. Yes I’m sure you and others would be reminded what took place. Just awful.

  9. Your flowers are beautiful and the lilies are glowing in the sun!
    That Rembrandt immersive art is so cool!
    I was too young to remember JFK's assassination, but I agree that it's suspicious.

    1. That immersive art is something. I’d probably throw up from getting sea sick it’s so real. 🤮

  10. Hi Debby! I love the flowers in your yard - and you Koi pond! We had a pond in Arizona for a while. I was barely 4 years old when JFK was assinated and I remember it well! My mom was watching her daily soap opera (As the World Turns) and Walter Cronkite broke in with the news. Yes, my parents were upset. My mom was crying and she called all the neighbors and soon everyone on the street was crying, it seemed. It was a very sad day for our nation indeed. I think it is very possible that there was more than one shooter. I think there are lots of things that the government hides. I'm not really a conspiracy person - I just think it's always been that way and we mostly just accept it. Both documentaries you are watching sound good. I'm a documentary kind of gal. I enjoy a good documentary or docudrama. I love your Daylilies. I planted some this year and they aren't doing great. I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    1. My mom also was watching her favorite soap as well. It was also As the World Turns! And yes who can forgot Walter Cronkite and his announcement. It still gets to me.
      Thanks for dropping by

  11. I was also in school when J.F.K. was killed. The school sent us all home! Your Daylilies are gorgeous! I love watching documentaries on T.V. as well. That is what I watch most of the time.

    1. Real life is much more interesting than fiction and historical documentaries are my cup of tea.

  12. I was in second grade when Kennedy was shot. I remember they had all the kids go to the gym which was also used as the lunch room and sit. The principal anounced to us that Kennedy was assinated. I don't remember if they sent us home after that but I expect so. I also remember being at my dads cousins house and all three tv stations showed nothing the news and asking the cousin when will this be over, me meaning when will regular tv return and she thinking I meant when Kennedy will stop being dead so she told me that it was forever and my child mind thought we would never have the shows and cartoons I watched back on TV.
    My brother once brought back 5 minnows from a fishing trip and put them in a 5 gallon bucket on the covered patio. Four of the five died fairly quickly but one survived and lived for about 7 or 8 years in that bucket with a little fish food thrown in every few days. It became a conversation piece on the patio for years.

    1. Our child like thinking wasn’t being selfish or uncaring. It was more about how our little world would change, after all we saw all the adults crying and sad. I think we a little part of our innocence was lost when that happened.
      Interesting about the surviving minnow.

  13. We had beautiful orange daylilies along our back fence at our old house. I loved when the bloomed!

  14. I love any low maintenance plant, and daylilies are some of the best.

  15. Replies
    1. I want more of them. They are so satisfying.
