Explosive Wildfire and the Battle of the Weather Apps

Yesterday, in the late afternoon, a fire ignited from a car fire near the Northern California Veterans Cemetery. The incident has been referred to as the Veterans Fire due to its proximity to the cemetery.

My husband received a text from the pastor and promptly headed out to assist with any necessary evacuations. While the church itself was not yet under an evacuation order, several of our fellow church members were. 

We get a little nervous when we see this. 

It's just something we never get used to. 

This area has scrub, oak, and deep canyons that can be difficult to navigate. They attacked it well, and it does seem they have it contained - last heard, it was contained at 85 acres. 

They conducted a robust air assault, and so far it seems like the cemetery remained unaffected. I was concerned that the cremation niches and headstones would be covered in the pink fire-suppressant material. Once it's safe, we are planning to visit the site. My parents and Margie's husband, along with another friend and Pops (my husband's father), are buried there.

It's strange how I know they're not really there, but I still feel a strong urge to protect their final resting places. My husband reassured me that when the cemetery workers leave, they turn on the sprinklers to maintain the area.

The Battle of the Weather Apps

I always make it a habit to check the weather in the mornings, and I was curious about the forecast for the 4th so we can make plans accordingly. Typically, this time of year, the temperature hovers around 111 degrees. However, I was quite surprised to see the forecast showing a high of 124 degrees. The hottest temperature I've experienced so far was 118 degrees a couple of years ago. These temperatures are actual readings and are not factoring in the heat index used in other parts of the country.

This sounds more like it. 

Same with this one. 

I will have my own better guestimate once Thursday comes around.

A 4th of July Memory

I vividly recall the 4th of July when my boys and I journeyed up here to visit my parents. Totally not accustomed to the valley heat, I drove the boys and me up to Lassen and enjoyed a much cooler day before coming back down to the heat.

Foodie is on the left, Michael is in the middle, and I'm holding back my youngest son, Navy. I remember a nice man taking a photo of us together. Around 1986/1987

This year, my husband and I will pack a lunch, bring the dog, and spend part of the day by a serene alpine lake. 

Ahhh relief! 

I can't think of anything else - to share.
Just the same ole, same ole. 

Until next time,



  1. Thank you for updating us on the wildfires. I can understand your feelings with wanting to keep the cemetery areas safe.... keep us updated. Praying for you and your friends.

    1. The fire is contained and good. Yesterday was uncertain for a while, but I believe all is well. I am not hearing anything about the fire on my scanner.

  2. We will actually be getting rain on Thursday for our trip to the lake and cabin we have rented. Hopefully there will be no rain on Friday as we are having the get together at our cabin.

    Wow that fire looks very close.

    God bless.

    1. That rain sounds so nice. You’ll have a restful time. You need it with all that you do!

  3. It's so sad that to this day, we cannot keep fires from starting. Oh my gosh, the temps! What will you do on the 4th?

    1. Combine heat and vehicle that isn’t maintained and it can happen.
      On the 4th we will go up to Lassen to find snow! If not the temperatures will be pleasant

  4. Oh Debby....this has to be a scary scene. Especially in knowing that people might have to be evacuated. Thankful that it is contained. My son-in-law is about 2 and 1/2 hours from there. He is a safety control guy and his company is doing a job out there. Those are some pretty hot temperatures. We are in the 100's right now...but our humidity is horrible. Your 4th of July plans sound wonderful. Having a nice picnic by a beautiful lake sounds so relaxing. Prayers for the fire to continue being under control.

    1. Unfortunately fires are not unusual for here.
      We’ll relax and breathe in all that fresh mountain air and maybe get to see some snow!

  5. I'm so glad that fire is contained. That's always a scary thing to be so close to the raging fires. That picture of you and the boys is so wonderful.....and a treasured photo for sure. It sounds like it's going to be a hot one there this weekend. Try to stay cool Debby. We drove a little this week to see some sites, and saw Mt. Lassen in the distance.


    1. Can’t wait to hear all about it on your blog post. My house was never threatened but the church was in the direct path but the firefighters cut it off. It’s 90% contained!

  6. I sure hope they contain that fire soon. We had a few small fired in our country. One year, we were told to prepare to evacuate. It is when we lived closer to the dry brush forest at our old house. It was scary. They went in and cleared a lot of dry brush. You sure get hot up north! I am in Riverside, outside of Orange County. We average 104 on our hot summer days. We should hit 100 next weekend. I like the picture of you with your boys. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. The fire is 90% contained! Now we wait for the really hot weather.

  7. It's the same ole same ole here too. I like the old photo. That's so sweet. By the way, we did finally start getting rain again! Yay! I pray for rain for y'all too, that there be no more fires, and that the 124* prediction is wrong and it's much, much cooler. Have a great weekend. ~ Pamela 💙

    1. Our rainy season isn’t until the Fall. This time of year lightening is dangerous. It’s just the way our normal climate is. No summer rains!
      I honestly don’t believe that app - 111 more like it. We’ll see. I know “they” like to instill fear and panic.
      I read they’re using AI software for these weather apps

  8. It's rather scary with the 4th of July coming up and people doing fireworks. We saw smoke recently from our yard and the fire was started from a spark from a tractor that was clearing the area. These temperatures are not good. I pray that we don't see many fires this summer.

  9. It’s against the law to do fireworks in our county. But people now days just ignore it. We do have a high firework display on the Sacramento River. I don’t care for that either. It disrupts animal life. I no longer like firework displays. Just call me cranky.

  10. Hope you continue to be safe with these terrible wild fires all around. We are destined to be 113F next Friday..4th of July is 107F. Think we are going to just hunker down for the holiday.
    Be safe and I hope your cemetery is ok.

    1. We're enjoying the pleasant 98-degree weather, knowing that soon the temperature will become hotter. Oh well, that's the central valley for you!

  11. Fires are so scary one doesn't know what it will do, I am lucky I do not live in a fire prone area. Fireworks are illegal here as well doesn't stop some people getting hold of them and setting them off

  12. Awful about the fire!!!
    It's raining at my house right now.

    1. How nice for the rain.

      No rain for us until Oct/November.

  13. OMG I hope and pray no ne has to evacuate and all is well. So very scary. Janice

    1. Good news - fire has been 100% contained. Yes these fires are sneaky and are very scary!
