Update: All is well

This is the section of the cremation niche where my parents are. 

I woke up this morning and heard that the Veteran Fire was at 90% containment. The cemetery administration office was closed because it was Saturday, but I was prepared to clean up any pink fire suppressant materials that may have landed on the niches and graves of my family members and friends.  

Have paper towels - will clean!

As we approached, the scene wasn't as daunting as I had pictured it. 

The extent of the burn was limited to 85 acres.

Several fire trucks were on standby, and a hand crew is currently at work in the active burning area. The situation is expected to be 100% contained by tonight.

The pink fire retardant was concentrated in the challenging-to-reach canyon areas where human fire support is difficult. As I strolled through the cemetery, I noticed the sprinklers and the lava rocks surrounding the perimeter.

We were the only ones there - nice and peaceful, and I want it to remain that way! 

Have a great weekend. Think Autumn!



  1. That's great news! The fires in your area are scary and I'm glad this one is nearly contained;

  2. Wonderful. I bet you are at peace now.

    1. Yes I do feel much better seeing all is well.

  3. Such wonderful news that all is well! I rejoice with you on that. Hopefully there won't be anymore fires either. We finally started receiving some much needed rain in SE Georgia but then it stopped. Again. There's a Tropical Depression that's formed in the Atlantic (I think, maybe Gulf) that if it gets too close to us it will now take all our moisture away and we'll dry out. Not complaining. It's all natural and part of God's plan it's something we have to deal with every year. *grin*
    Steve put Chicken Carnitas in slow cooker for supper earlier. We'll be heading off to Church in a bit. By the time we get home it's going to smell so good in here. Wish y'all could join us. Y'all stay safe and have a glorious Sunday. 💙

    1. That’s good about the rain. I don’t know anything about weather in other states except for California, Oregon and Nevada. I’ve always been interested in meteorology.
      Never had chicken carnitas but enjoy pork carnitas! I bet your house will smell good once you get home! I made chicken fajitas on Friday. Yum!

  4. I am behind in all news, but glad to know this had a good ending. Looks like a beautiful "resting place". Thankful all is well for now. Praying it stays that way.

    1. Not much going on around here. Just the regular summer hot weather and fires.

  5. Replies
    1. It is good news because this one could have been a big one. Our firefighters are the best.

  6. Sad to say there have been so many fires this one didn't make the news in my area, but I'm glad to hear that things turned out better than you expected.

    1. I would have been surprised if it had made national news. Just in my county, we have reported fires at least a couple times a week. The national news only picks up the really big ones. But sometimes those little fires can blow up. We have a lot of arson up here. When the wind blows, and the humidity is less than 10% and we’re in a red flag warning which is pretty much all summer, you can count on some kook stating a fire.

  7. This is great news and I know you were so very relieved to find No pink at the cemetery. This looks like a beautiful place It is important to know that our loved ones are in a well taken care of cemetery. I live only 3/4 mile from where my family is buried. I drive over there a couple times a week jut because it is so peaceful.

    1. Wow you’re very close. It’s about 11 miles to the cemetery for us but it’s a nice drive.

  8. Glad to hear no new fires. Peaceful and quiet for the win.

  9. I'm glad the fire is slowing down and firemen 🚒 are still in the area. Thanks for the updates.

  10. Barb's dad's ashes are in a veterans memorial wall like that. I had never seen one before that.

    1. It must be the standard at Veterans Cemeteries. Thanks for dropping by.

  11. So glad to hear the fire is almost contained. It's so nice that you are close to your parents resting place. I really miss visiting the cemetery where my parents are. It's always so peaceful there. Yes, think Autumn! It's been on my mind. ; )

    First day of July!


    **I didn't know you visited the falls every year. It was a really nice day, and usually there are lots of tourists, but we went early, and were one of the first ones there. We always stop at that charming store too. I bought Francesca a couple stones and some honey. The store can be pricey, but it's always fun to browse.

    1. Oh yes, but this year we had heard about the construction, so it was good to see that the backside is still open. It's like when I lived in the city, I always walked across the Golden Gate Bridge, to mark a new season. It was my little tradition.

  12. So happy to hear the good report. Stay safe and cool in the coming days.
    I will continue to read your blog but won't be commenting much or posting on mine for a while. Trying to keep the "bad guys" at bay and not have things get worse. Lots of work correcting all that the fraud created.

    1. That is why I do not use my last name or identifying names - no family names. I am no longer on Facebook. People do not realize that scammers can access Facebook's privacy settings. They are very smart if they want something. I wrote a post about that a year or so ago.


      I hope you recover from the fraud.
