A Tuesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond


Fifteen years ago, on a 4th of July weekend, my family and I were nestled in the serene Trinity Mountains, surrounded by the tranquil sounds of nature. In the dead of night, a sudden, thunderous crash shattered our sleep; Initially mistaking it for an earthquake, we soon realized that it was the sound of a good-sized tree crashing to the ground narrowly avoiding our tent. 

Talk about miracles!

1. It's a big week in the US of A as we celebrate Independence Day. Do you have any special plans? 

My husband and I plan to escape the hot weather by driving up to Lassen Volcanic National Park and spending the day near an alpine lake with our dog. When we return home, we'll take a nap and then relax by reading or watching a movie or documentary in the evening. Our main concern is to keep our dog calm and monitor the fire watch alerts on my phone. Although it would be nice to get away, we don't feel entirely comfortable due to the fire season.

No, too hot

pool-lake-beach time?  No, too hot and too crowded

fireworks?  No! How many times can one "ooh" and "ahh" over fireworks? Our town does a huge firework display over the Sacramento River. We can hear it from our house. But there are always people who do the illegal fireworks, which turns me into a "Karen."

homemade ice cream?  Sounds good but No. 

My two sons are employed at medical facilities during the day. While Navy will be at work, Sara is arranging an open-house party from noon to 10:30 p.m. specifically for her hospital co-workers as they finish their shifts. Navy plans to join the gathering once he completes his work. We have received an invitation, and we'll play it by ear. 

If you're not an American you can tell us what's happening in your corner of the world on Thursday. 

2. What's your favorite 'All-American' dessert? 

I don't have a big sweet tooth, but on occasion, I do enjoy indulging in a variety of desserts. Whether it's a scoop of rich, creamy ice cream, a slice of warm apple pie, a serving of fresh and juicy strawberry shortcake, a decadent slice of cheesecake, or a refreshing and simple fruit salad, so I do enjoy the occasional sweet treat. I don't know if these desserts are considered quintessentially All-American except maybe Apple pie. 

3. Does that patriotic feeling come easily to you, or are you having to work for it more these days? 

As an individual, my sense of patriotism is deeply ingrained in me. I can empathize with those who struggle to connect with feelings of patriotism in today's world. I try and reflect on the sacrifices made by our Founding Fathers who established our Republic. It is then that I'm filled with a profound sense of gratitude and respect. Rather than  anger, I find myself mourning the things that we have relinquished along the way. It's disheartening to acknowledge that we may never return to the ideals we once embodied. Our country is burdened by a multitude of internal challenges and voices that threaten the very fabric of our Republic. And yes, that makes me sad. 

What's something that makes you proud to be a citizen of your country?  

I am incredibly grateful for the bravery and sacrifices of my family, spanning generations from their involvement in the Revolutionary War to more recent service such as the Iraq War, and their contribution to the ongoing "American Experiment."

Without these remarkable men and women in our all of our families, their unwavering spirit, sacrifices, and contributions, our nation would not exist as it does today.

It's the American People. 

4. Your favorite 'patriotic' movie?  

There are too many to list. I always enjoy true historical dramas or Time-period dramas. Of course, always remember that it is a movie, and they usually take a lot of creative license. 

Any recommendations???

Favorite patriotic song? 

My Country Tis of thee and God Bless America. 

5. One simple pleasure on your July 'bucket list'? 

I live a simple life already, and I don't keep bucket lists, so I will continue living my version of the good life and embrace whatever comes up. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I'm writing this on Tuesday morning. The temperature is expected to reach a sweltering 110 degrees this afternoon. The homes on the outskirts of town, which rely on PG&E for electricity, have received notifications that due to the extreme fire danger and heat, their power will be shut off. Fortunately, we live right on the border, just one block away from where we receive electricity from our town. In the 16 years that we've lived here, they've never turned off our electricity. However, for those reliant on PG&E, power outages are a common occurrence. Tomorrow is projected to be even hotter at 115 degrees, and the thought of these people having to endure such intense heat without air conditioning or refrigeration while risking spoiled food is unimaginable. It's especially concerning for many of the elderly residents living in this area. 

There will be cooling stations around town - but to have to leave your home is not desirable for many especially if they have animals and children. 

Prayers definitely that no one dies due to the heat. 

I repeat - we are not affected. 

We'll be good. 

That's it for me on this early Tuesday Hodgepodge. I hope I haven't thrown you all off. 

Take Care and Stay cool. 



  1. Hi Debby,
    Your answer to #3 ... I feel the same.
    Sending prayers for those that will be without power.

  2. Oh gosh, I have not heard of turning off the power for something like this. I sure hope you keep yours!

    1. Ours won’t be shut off. I just feel for those who will lose theirs.

  3. I'm an Aussie so bot a special day for me, the only thing I have planned is a video appointment with my neurologist. I have never had home made ice cream. I am patriotic, I am a proud Aussie who feels she is living in the lucky country.

  4. For real on the fireworks. I'm so past that.
    Too hot for us also. It's also too humid. We're staying at home and inside. I'm perfectly happy with that.
    I love my Country but not the Government.
    Have a great 4th! 💙

    1. Yeah I’d pass out if we had high humidity.

  5. I enjoyed all your answers and agree with them, especially #3.
    I'm sorry you are dealing with all this heat!

  6. Ken and I met on the 4th of July in 1971. :)

  7. That was a close call with that tree! I am not a big fan of mountain camping anymore. We were in the Sequoias once and bear went right by our tent. We could smell him! Got into the pots and pans box and it scared it away. Didn't sleep as we could hear noise throughout the camp. It happened again in the Big Bear, but not as close. We have gotten those notices about temporary shutoff when there are fires around us. We normally stay home on the 4th. We will get home early to be with the dogs. Happy 4th!

    1. I have good memories camping but I just have no patience for bugs, and mosquitoes. I enjoy my creature comforts too much, like a decent bed, air conditioning and a clean toilet!

  8. On Thursday we will be making our way to the cabin we rented and getting settled in for the family reunion... Supposed to be rainy all weekend here which is not a good thing.

    God bless.

    1. I could go for some cool rain right now.

  9. Just sent you an e-mail. : )


  10. So if a tree falls in the forest and it doesn't hit your tent I guess it does still make a sound.

    1. 😆 It sure did plus it shook the ground!

  11. 1. Gathering at a friends house for a BBQ. We can see the city fireworks show from her front yard. I have to say I am a sucker for fireworks, never tire of seeing them.
    2. You and I have the same exact favorite American desserts! I had to laugh when I read yours since they were mine as well. My favorite non-american dessert is Creme Bruele.
    3. I have to admit I find it harder to feel very patriotic these days. I just had a discussion with one of my brothers last week about how much our country's image has changed and not for the good, in the minds of other countries in our lifetimes.
    4. I cannot think of a particular patriotic movie.
    Patriotic song would be "Proud to be an American" by Lee Greenwood. Whenever I hear it to this day I feel something in my chest.
    5. I need to replace my vechicle and hopefully find the one for me before July is over.

    Your branch story reminded me of a camping trip where a very large branch fell on my brothers truck and camper doing damage to both. The limb should have been romoved because it was already broken off and hung up on another branch. We were in a private owned campground at the time so their insurance covered the damage thank goodness.

    1. That's good insurance paid.
      We were on BLM land, in the forest.
      I hope you find the right vehicle - I don't like buying new vehicles anymore; mainly its the price tag!
      What a convenient way to watch the fireworks, in your front yard!

  12. Wow, it sure is hot there! Going to Lassen Volcanic National Park sounds like a great way to spend the day where it will be a bit cooler. That sure was a close call with the tree falling near your tent. Have a good Independence Day and I'll see you again soon!

    1. I want to see snow! They just cleared the road a couple of weeks ago from all the snow so I just might!

  13. We contemplated going away for a few days, as my husband has very little time off, but we said no. Too busy, too hot, too much traffic etc. We decided to get things done around here and knock off the to-do list, so we have more free time down the road. You all are very lucky for that tree not hitting you. My goodness.

    1. Yeah, now we can actually laugh about it.

  14. Good morning Debby. you have some good answers to these questions today. A miracle indeed. I know it was shocking for you all to be awakened by such a loud sound. Our town is very strict when it comes to fireworks in the city limits. Even sparklers are banned. We will be cooking hamburgers and hotdogs, and hopefully enjoying some homemade ice cream in the 100 degree outdoor weather. Your 4th sure sounds pleasant and relaxing. Prayers for NO Fire's in the state.

    1. Fireworks, including sparklers, are also illegal in our county. However, like in the rest of the state, laws are not followed and people do whatever they want. Law enforcement sent out a memo telling us not to report it because they were already aware that it was happening. It's frustrating.

      There's a large uncontained fire, the Thompson Fire, burning about 90 miles from us. With the current heat and wind, it will be difficult to control.

  15. Oh my goodness- people not having power with the extreme heat you are having? I hope no one in the effected areas have electric cars... But the biggest concern would be stroke and death. So sad. Your plans sound really nice- I have never heard of the national park you mentioned but I will bet it´s beautiful. Have a wonderful and safe 4th!

    1. I imagine some do. We have an electric hybrid, so even if the power goes out, we can still drive it—one reason we steered away from an electric vehicle and settled on the PHEV.
      There are many national parks here in California that most people have never heard of. Tourists always go to the touristy areas.

  16. Oh my, thank God that tree missed you. Enjoy your drive and yes, the dogs come first. Thank you to your family for their service. Those are good song choices. Glad your power isn't being turned off. Take care and Happy 4th of July.

    1. Yes, I talked with a friend who lives in Bakersfield, and her power was off. She had no AC. and it was 109!

  17. Wow, turning off the power in the extreme heat seems like it would open the door to other sorts of problems. We used to do a lot of tent camping, but I'm not sure I'd feel safe doing that anymore. I hope you get to enjoy the alpine lake. That sounds like a great way to beat the heat. Take care!

    1. They do that here in California. Turn the power off during heat events and wind.
      Fortunately, I don't have PGE for my electricity.

  18. Wow that was a miracle indeed. We will be celebrating the 4th at a neighborhood bbq. I am bringing a bean dip and we donated 16 chairs for the party. The weather should cooperate, so looking forward to it. Happy 4th and yes most folks forgot the sacrifices our founding fathers made for us to become the USA and they want to erase our history. Janice

  19. Power outages are so hard especially if they last more than a day. Hope everyone is okay. Oh MY! That tree coming down so close to your tent is crazy! Happy 4th to you!
