Crape Myrtles in Bloom

Happy Monday and Happy July 1.

This morning, I got started on my walk much later than usual - time just slipped away from me. I consistently notice that time has a way of slipping through my fingers. At the end of each month, I always find myself wondering, "Where did the time go?" No one can provide an answer, as they, too, have lost track of time. I believe it may have something to do with age, as young children seem to think the school year lasts forever, or that Christmas will never arrive, and that their high school years are practically their entire lives.

High school was a tough time for me because I had to deal with bullying from a group of girls who used to be my friends. They were cheerleaders and didn't take kindly to the fact that I got a steady boyfriend before they did. Their jealousy turned into animosity, and it made my high school experience really difficult. Fortunately, my mom was always there to remind me that high school was just a few years out of my entire life whenever things got really tough.

It seems to be the time for Crape Myrtles to blossom.

Do plants have an internal schedule encoded in their seeds? Have you ever observed how, during autumn, some trees of the same kind start changing colors while others haven't as if they never got the memo?  I'm currently seeing that in my own backyard and my neighbors where the crape myrtles have yet to bloom. It must be the angle of the sun has not pushed that bloom button yet. 

These grasses are all over. My phone couldn't identify them accurately.  
They look like they need a trim. 

The hot temperatures will begin today, reaching 105 degrees, 110 degrees tomorrow, and 115 degrees on Wednesday. 

I hope you all enjoy the week. I plan to stay cool and keep hydrated. 
I really am looking forward to the Fall. 


  1. YIKES ... that is hot!
    Stay hydrated my friend!! That is always something I have to remind myself ... DRINK WATER!! ;-)

    The crape myrtles are beautiful.

    1. Yes I forgo all the other drinks when it gets this hot. It’s good old h2o

  2. The first picture is sooo pretty, especially against the blue sky.
    Too hot for me. It reached just 70 here this afternoon!!

  3. Its true the different tree species do turn colors at different times. The crape myrtle is beautiful. Janice

  4. That is so hot! When I got up this morning it was 46 degrees here, right now it's 73. So I'm not ready for Fall. I'm hanging on to Summer as long as I can. But I can see why you're ready for it.
    I love the Crepe Myrtles, they are beautiful!
    I have a friend whose daughter is going through some similar issues in high school with girls who used to be friends. She keeps telling her that high school years are short, but I know in the middle of it, it seems forever. I'm sorry you had to deal with those girls.

    1. What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger.
      I’ve followed this blogger, Cheri White who writes about bullies etc. Maybe her blog can help. She’s good!

  5. The grass is gorgeous!!! Here, Crepe Myrtle are the last thing in the summer to bloom. But they are blooming NOW! I think it must be the heat wave or global warming. Your shots are great, so beautiful! My Crepe Myrtle shots are never this pretty.

    1. Thanks! They are pretty trees so it was easy to capture.

  6. What gorgeous blossoms on the Crepe Myrtle. Just lovely.

    God bless.

  7. Wonderful photos. Yes, I think plants individually blossom at different times even the same species. I believe this is because of their position, where they catch the light, heat and breeze.

    God bless.

    1. I think you are right, Victor! God Bless.

  8. Oh my gosh, it's going to be hot there in the next few days. Try to stay cool. Your hydrangeas are so pretty, and what a striking color. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about your high school years. Sorry you went through that. It was good that your mom comforted and reassured you it was only a short time in our lives. But you're right, those four years seem to last forever, and truth is, they are a big part of our lives. Wonder what that grass is, it's pretty!


    1. Yeah, it wasn't pleasant, but I learned to manage. I think that is what made me an introvert today! I feel for the young people today who are being bullied on social media. That's terrible. At least there is awareness today—when it happened to me, the principal told my parents I needed stronger shoulders! Ha, that wouldn't happen today I don't think.

  9. So sorry about your high school years. So glad your mom helped your through that. The flowers are beautiful.

    1. Yes, she tried to do what she could, but ultimately, it was on me, and I just had to go through it.

  10. I love the beauty in crepe myrtles. Their little blooms are so delicate. The ones in your header picture have such huge blooms and that particular color is so radiant. A few years ago, there was a disease that went through our area and a huge number of the crepe myrtles died. Was sad to see these big trees die. Bullying....I think this is absolutely horrible that kids feel that they can bully other students. It is bad enough when one person is a bully, but when you have multiple students doing this, I can only imagine the pain. So much of this is going on now days with the use of phones and all social media. I am so very sorry that you had to experience this. hugs to you!

    1. Bullying is awful, and probably more so now with social media and phones. I can't imagine.

  11. I hear you my friend. the temps are going to be awful. today 109F and all next week 111F. I will be wilting for sure. Hope we don't loose power...the crepe myrtles around here are beginning to bloom too. I love the colors. I love the way you put the thing about some not getting the memo yet..totally agree.
    Not going to be on Social Media much because of this fraud mess. We are blessed and are getting things corrected, added and much work and hours on the phone and at places. Its exhausting. Grateful for family and friends helping us meet our needs.

    1. What a mess, but at least you have friends to help you get through all the paperwork and such to correct it. My 94-year-old father-in-law had some scam issues that had to be cleared up. It wasn't social media for him - it was junk mail and email. We finally had to take away his laptop and go through his mail before he saw it. Fortunately it wasn't a major hit but he was so vulnerable to scam stories.

  12. Congrat's on the Crape Myrtles blooming so well. I wish mine would look that good. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
    So sorry that the High School years went badly. I had a couple of kids 'try' to bully me in school. Once. They didn't do it again. I'll bet they refrained from trying that on anyone else too. 😉💙

    1. I was so tender hearted back then. And there were too many of them who found joy in making my life miserable. But I did grow through it.
      I have not since then ever allowed a person to mistreat me again.
