A Double Rainbow

Navy sent me this photo of the double rainbow that was seen all over our area yesterday. 

A double rainbow and a 49ers flag

Is this a good sign for Superbowl Sunday? 

And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there anymore be a flood to destroy the earth. And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:

Genesis 9:12



  1. Those double rainbows are twice the fun. Every once in awhile I've witnessed one also. Always brightens my day. Have a blessed remainder of the day! xx

    1. I've seen a couple before but this one I actually didn't see - my son took the photo. It was at his house.

  2. We don't see them very often but they are cool when we do

  3. I wonder if there is double the pot of gold at the end of those rainbows. Very pretty.

    God bless.

  4. Wow that is an amazing double rainbow, the best picture of one I've ever seen!!
    I like the bright look of your blog. Very easy on the eyes.

  5. Wow, great shots! And it is turning everything golden! Something that is rare to see, let alone get photos!

  6. Absolutely beautiful. I love seeing rainbows. Thanks for sharing it.

  7. OH, I love seeing a double rainbow, and to see one from one end to the other is really special indeed! Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing it with us. God's sign in the skies for us of His promise and covenant! Praise God!

  8. Thank you for the Bible quote. God bless you.

  9. awesome rainbow photos. i have only seen maybe 3 in my lifetime. and have never gotten a photo of one since usually I am driving when I see them. never seen a double rainbow.

    1. Yeah that is usually like me too. I'm in the car

  10. Very cool. They say there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, but I keep checking the wrong end. I was thinking KC, but now I may bet SF. Have no dog in the fight, I like both teams, but it is no fun without rooting for someone.

    1. I'm not as rabid over football as I was in my younger days due to politics that has entered in. Just play ball - that's all I want. The rest I can get on the nightly news.

  11. Oh my, this rainbow is beautiful. Tell your son these are great pictures! You know, I believe that when we see a rainbow it is a gift. Thank you for the gift of the rainbow on your blog today, Debby.


    1. I will tell him. Even our local weather guy apparently used his photo on his broadcast! Yes rainbows are a gift.

  12. I have to agree with everyone - that was the best double rainbow I ever saw - it was gorgeous and so was the sunshine.

    1. Aww I will share this with my son, that you all liked his photos. Thank you.

  13. This is amazing! Tell Navy he got incredible photos!
