Faith and a Praying Grandma

I ordered this special book and received it Saturday and wanted to share about it. It's special because it was written by my cousin, Terry Squires. 

Her webpage says this: 

Terry Squires is a veteran author, speaker, television host, and creator of many gift products for teens and adults. Her 20+ books include the bestselling series, the Communicate Christ series, God’s Stories-My First Thoughts, Bible Stories for Bedtime, Ancient Heroes, created and contributed to the ONE Impact Bible, I Seek Truth and soon, This Is Faith.

Terry co-produces and hosts her weekly syndicated television program, Today’s Nashville – This Is Faith, and speaks, nationally. Speaking topics include The Power of One and I Seek Truth –Seeking His Truth for Your Life. Terry lives in Nashville, Tennessee, and is married to Ted Squires. 

Terry was a triplet - the youngest grandkids. Actually, they are not technically triplets - we all just referred to them as such. The boys were twins and she was a single birth - they all just came in one adorable package. 

You can see how she hasn't changed much since she was a little girl. 
I am told by my other cousin, that Terry is the sweetest person - 

She has a talk show in Nashville - Wish I could watch it.  She interviews some of Nashville's stars and they always talk about their personal Faith. 

The "triplets" sitting in front - my sister on the right with the white puffy top. 
I am standing to the right at the end - wearing white shorts and a light blue top.  I was 17. 

My sister and I were the outcast cousins from California. We were like foreigners when we would go back. It was fun when we were little but in the tween/teen years, it was not fun at all. I always felt awkward; like I wasn’t a part of the family. 

But Still...

It is nice to be able to delight in their many successes and Terry is one of them. I also have another cousin who is an Academy Award-winning music supervisor, who puts together soundtracks for high-profile film and television projects.

I did meet her once. 

I remember being told, that when the triplets were being delivered, their father had no idea, and neither did my aunt. Probably around 1960. They both went into the hospital believing it was just one big baby. Then they were told when she was in labor, that they were having twins. How fun but it was a complete shock. 
I remember hearing that when the 3rd one came, my uncle passed out. They already had 2 young daughters. 

Even though I never really knew them, they were the pride of the family. We always received photos of them and they were so cute and talented - singing and dancing at the Indiana State Fairs. 

This Devotion is written in the first person, so it's easy for the reader to identify with each topic - from Genesis to Revelation.

It's a good read and I am looking forward to her new book about Faith. 

Our Grandma would be so proud - I know,  she kept the faith - an old-school Methodist who loved God and taught her 9 children the way of the Lord and watched most of them straySadly she did not live to see them all come back to God before she died. 

There is still HOPE if you are a praying Mom and Grandma. 

I did not have that day-to-day relationship with her but we did write letters back and forth - we were pen pals. And in every closing, she would tell me to be "ready" for when the trumpets sounded - when we would all meet with Jesus in the clouds and live with Him in eternity. 

I still have those precious letters! 

She always told me she was praying for me to accept Jesus and go to church. There is something about a praying Grandma - God listens.  And the tally is not in yet  - I do know from my time on Facebook, that at least half are committed, believers as are their adult children. 

For me, it didn't "take" until I was 33. Better late than never! 



  1. What a great post to read about the triplets.
    When I was a kid I sat right next to my grandma in church. She used to give me pink peppermint candies. :) You're right there is nothing like a praying grandma or mom. :)

  2. I loved reading this. The book sounds very interesting and I love your personal connection. I also love the encouragement for praying parents and grandparents.

  3. I enjoyed my visit here tonight and your family story. Yes, better late than ever. I grew up in the Methodist church. Sunday School was great, loved the songs and activities. But big church was more of truth without much grace. It wasn't until my mid 30's that I really came back to the Lord. There is a song by the group Avalon called Everything to Me. If you get a chance, listen to the words. I am currently reading the Left Behind series. It starts with the Rapture. I had a praying grandparents too!

    1. I’ll look up the song. I read the Left behind series - I used to have all the books.

  4. Lovely post thank you for sharing, my Grandma was special too

    1. I had 2 praying grandmas. They both would send me Christian coloring books and pamphlets. That was really my only introduction to Christianity.

  5. I enjoyed reading about you and your cousin, i have similar history but will spare you that. You can watch that show on her website, i just searched and all the interviews are there to watch.... she is really good, i watched part of one.

    1. I’m interested in the Dolly Parton interview and Randy Travis. The rest I’m not too familiar with.

  6. Lovely post, and what talented family members. While our boys do not attend church unless they are home with us. They still have a strong faith in God and work hard in Social Justice circles.

    God bless.

    1. Mine believe but they haven’t fully committed. I pray for them.

  7. There is nothing like a praying grandma - I am one - and I pray everyday for friends, family, and world. I enjoyed your post.

    1. That’s wonderful. You are a blessing to your family and friends.

  8. Terry is a talented lady. I like the Proverb quote. Thank you.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you. Yes she’s really talented and I’m pleased that she is using her spiritual gift of writing.

  9. Thank you for this wonderful story. I am still trying to wrap my head around the "triplets", two as twins and one as a single birth...that was confusing, but I guess it happens! I can only imagine how the parents felt when they found out how many babies were there! Wow! I love hearing about your cousin and her wonderful career/books, etc. But especially I love the part about your Grandma and the letters she wrote you, and how she prayed for you. I am still praying for my one grandson. I do believe he is already saved, but his life is somewhat confused right now and he needs direction from the Lord. God is able, and I will keep praying for him. Thank you for this reminder and encouragement to pray! Great post. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  10. Conrats to your cousin. A great achievement. Since my grandma's both passed away, I dont see my cousins anymore either. Kinda sad when family loses touch. Janice

  11. Congratulations what a damn good achievement

  12. I like the book your cousin wrote. What I read that you shared is good to know in life. I became a Christian when I was mid teens. I am thankful to stay connected with God. I had an aunt that would give me bibles. One I got when I was teen and one a different one when I graduated or I was in high school that was from her and her husband. I have way too many bibles at home. I have shared a couple. I found one that was my mom's when she was in a nursing home years ago. I decided to keep it as the words are bigger. I encourage my grandchildren about Jesus and other children at church. I hope we can help teach them again soon. Thanks for sharing good news!! God bless, Becky

  13. That is a sweet post and I enjoyed the photos. Sounds like she is very popular. That is quite a story about them being born. Sorry you were the outcasts from California.
