Twins and Triplets on a Tuesday


My Grandma was a twin. (This was her on her wedding day) 

Her name was Nannie and her sister was Fanny. Imagine naming your baby that, in this day and age. Fraternal twins tend to run in families through the maternal line. It is caused by a multi-ovulation gene.   Fraternal twins can be a boy/girl or 2 of one sex but they look like siblings rather than identical. They could look almost identical but that doesn’t make them true identical twins/ monozygotic - in other words, it took 2 fertilized eggs. Identical or monozygotic twining is one fertilized egg that splits into two or three...My triplet cousins - the boys were identical twins (one egg that split into two) and another egg joined the party so she was just a single. No fertility drugs were used. It was all natural and I was told she gave birth to all three vaginally! OUCH!

My Grandma's mother (Salle, my Great Grandmother) not only had twins but had twin siblings from their mother, my 2nd great-grandmother, Rebecca. 

My 3rd great-grandmother, Martha had twins. 2 girls. 

Now on my mom's side - 

My Grandma Mabel's sister gave birth to boy/girl twins. 
Fraternal twins. 
Bobby and Margaret. 

My 2nd Greatmother's mother, Elizabeth also had boy/girl twins. 

Leonard and Margaret 

My 3rd great-grandmother also had a set of girl twins. Olive and Mary Alice. I have their photo somewhere - they were older when their photo was taken. 

My sister and I could have had twins - with 35+ cousins, 2 of my cousins had twins. The triplets and boy/boy twins. Don't know if any of my cousins have twin grandchildren. That would be interesting. 

Do you have twins or multiples that run in your family? 

I wouldn't have minded one bit if I had twins. I used to Nanny for a set of boy/girl twins. Max and Stella. They were so cute and fascinating to me. 

I had twin best friends, growing up that were identical. 

Famous Twins

Mary Kate and Ashley

Robin and Maurice Gibb from the Bee Gees 

As far as the celebrities go - I didn't recognize any of them on the list I looked at - except for these two sets -  I don't follow the celebrities of today.  And of course, throughout history, there were Jacob and Esau from the Bible and Apollo and Artemis from Greek mythology. 

I remember the movie Parent Trap where Hayley Mills played a twin. 

Patty and Cathy

The Patty Duke show, where it was her cousin who was identical to her. 

Well, that was fun. 

I hope you enjoyed it. It started out with me wanting to explain the part of the twin and single birth = 3 born at the same time or being a triplet. Then the subject morphed into everything else. 

Take Care,


  1. Bobby & Magaret are adorable!! I guess multiple births are largely inherited! I loved Patty Duke and Hayley Mills. They were my teenage idols.

  2. Hi Debby, you have a fertile family! No twins in my family. I loved watching the Patty Duk show. Tamar had twins from Judah and Perez was in the line of Jesus!

    1. I remember Patty Duke was on one channel and Gidget was on another! I’d love to watch the reruns but haven’t found them.

  3. I'm a twin. I have a twin brother. Twins seem to have run on my father's side of the family. His brother also had twins, a boy and girl. His cousin had twins, also a boy and girl. His cousin's son had identical twin girls. No twins in the next generation, though. Elaine (in Toronto)

  4. Hi Elaine - Cool that you are a twin.

  5. Wowzer..that's a whole lot of twins on your family tree. I went to high school with triplets but didn't know any other twins in real life.
    Hope your day goes well. We're pretty wet here in the Sacramento area but we are safe and so happy that our power is back on again.

    1. Hi Sue - So you're in Sacramento. I'm up in Redding. We've been wet but never lost power. Today is a cold but sunny day. Glad you're safe and dry. We did have some gusty winds the other day.

  6. There are twins in my family my father had a brother & sister who were or are twins I am unsure if my uncle Doug is still alive. My sister's ex-husband is a twin and they have a set of twins but no triplets in the family

    1. That is so cool. You just never know who is a twin.

  7. No twins in my family. I would have loved to have twins or been a twin myself!!

  8. I loved The Parent Trap and The Patty Duke Show. Such lovely memories.

    God bless.

    1. I wish I could watch the reruns. I wonder if they are as good now, as I remember them?

  9. Thank you for the explanation of the "triplets". I guess you were answering my question! Thank you! WOW! You certainly did have a lot of twins in your ancestral line! I am not aware of any in either of my family trees. My husband's father's father was a twin. But thankfully we didn't have any twins...just three boys at separate times. The first two were 18 months apart, and it sometimes felt like having twins. They sure kept me busy. The third one was 4 years after the 2nd one, so I could relax a bit more with him, although the other two still kept me hopping. How do these great big families do it? Thank you for sharing so much of your genealogy with us. I enjoyed that immensely!!

    1. Yeah I thought I better try and explain.
      I had 3 boys too but they were spaced 3 years apart so it was manageable.

  10. I had to say that when I saw this, I chuckled as I just became a Grandmother to identical twin girls!! My husband's mother was a fraternal twin...Her twin sister had a set of fraternal twin ( a boy and a girl) great grandchildren, skipping 2 generations....And now if my MIL was still alive, she would also have a set of twin great grandchildren...My twin granddaughters have nothing to do with heredity though as my DIL's pregnancy resulted from IVF...They implanted one embryo that split into 2, creating identical twin girls!!! We are totally thrilled with them as I never expected to be a grandmother....My DIL is 41 years old and my son is 40....It took them 5 years of a few heartbreaking events to get to this point and we are ever so grateful to have these sweet babies in our lives!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Debbie, What a wonderful blessing! Congratulations on the twin baby girls.
      It sounds like twins run in the family as well even though your twin granddaughters were a result of the IVF process. How fun for you all.

  11. Oh my, this was so fun. No twins in my family. My husband has twin aunts, they are 80 years old and are a hoot. I always tell them they should take their show on the road. They tease each other in such a fun way.
    This was fun, thank you for sharing.

  12. As a mother of twins, I can tell you they come with twice the excitement and twice the pain. Your grandma was a very pretty girl. Thanks for sharing

    1. I can only imagine. What a blessing to have twins.

  13. I enjoyed the lesson on twins. Your mom looked so young. The Bee Gees - on sure got better teeth - sorry. I loved the Parent Trap and Patty Duke. Loved the explanation of triplets. Thanks.

    1. It would be fun to watch the old reruns again.
