Aloe Vera Flowers and Updates


My Aloe Vera plant is in blossom. 

I still think they look like bananas! 

This morning, my son and I had a great time exploring thrift stores. He managed to find a good-quality frying pan for just $5, which was a fantastic deal. After that, we headed to a sporting goods store, where he purchased a river tube and a life jacket for an upcoming tubing adventure with his friends on the Sacramento River.

I also treated myself to a nice pair of sandals and was pleasantly surprised to receive a $10 discount at the checkout. My feet are growing - I used to be a size 5 and now I am a 6. 

Later, I went grocery shopping and spent $138, which is quite a lot considering I didn't buy any meat. I am considering collecting my grocery receipts and mailing them to the White House!

It's the first time I have been blessed to enjoy two of them in bloom. 

Last Thursday, we brought Laydee to the veterinarian for a check-up. Once again, the vet reassured us, especially my husband, that the small dangling skin tag was probably not cancerous. The results of the two biopsies were inconclusive, and the tag is not displaying any typical cancerous features. The vet emphasized that the tag was not causing Laydee any discomfort and that any surgery to remove it would be purely cosmetic and potentially risky.

At some point, you have to trust your veterinarian. We've had her for years and she's wonderful. She's not the kind that will recommend unnecessary treatments just to increase the bill. She always provides us with options, and when we ask for her opinion, she tells us and explains the reasons behind her recommendations.


They are definitely unique. 

I've been busy with some writing projects and reading some research books.  I'm anticipating the arrival of a research book that I ordered last month, which is expected to be delivered by mid-June. The book focuses on Scott County and its inhabitants, The Mountain Folk, with mentions of my ancestors throughout its pages. It will provide me with valuable insights into their lives and experiences. 

Every Thursday, I drive over the river, through the city, and toward the rural part of town to attend this church prayer group and bible study. I have really clicked with these women and when I told them that we were looking for a new church they all were hoping we would end up there. So, the last few evenings, we have watched their church's recent sermons on YouTube.  We enjoyed the Pastor's sermon. So, we're going to that church on Sunday and I'm thrilled. I texted my one friend and told her. She was hoping my husband would come, because her husband doesn't go to church. My husband knows her husband through the VFW, and of course, I know her through that organization as well. I used to be the President of the Ladies Auxiliary and Susan was the chaplain. We used to have some good times back then. 

The church is quite small, but that's something I appreciate. It's easier to know people and I estimate around 100 people attend the service. I've grown tired of the massive informal mega-churches with the loud rock music and people dancing and calling it worship. We actually have one of those here - Bethel Redding, along with their downtown recording studio, Bethel Music. Their leaders are Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton. 

Finding a reliable, wholesome church that teaches truth can be challenging, as many have strayed from biblical principles, similar to the way Bethel has.

Cold and clearwater on the Sacramento River

On Wednesday, I decided to take a leisurely stroll along the river and ended up with some nice photos. I'll share them the next time I post. 

The weather has been getting hotter, which is pretty typical for summer in this area. The low humidity has been causing me to experience constant static shocks. Just today I got a shock and even heard it spark when I reached into the frozen food section at the grocery store. It's been the same story when opening the car door or turning on the lights at home. My husband doesn't seem to be as affected by it, so maybe it's just my unique chemistry. I always talk about getting a humidifier for the house to alleviate this issue, but I never seem to follow through with it.

Anyway, that's enough from me for now. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!



  1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a lot of truth to teach. You can probably ask them any questions you want and they will have the answer that "just fits"! The guy who did "52 weeks 52 Churches" was quite impressed. Most of their congregations are fairly medium sized, too. Good luck with your choice!

    1. I’m comfortable with a non- denominational Bible teaching church. No replacement theology.
      Thanks and God bless.

  2. I am glad about Laydee's good news! Let us know how Sunday morning goes!! One good thing about a small church is it is easier to remember names, and everyone knows everyone else. Your aloe plants are amazing!! And they DO look like bananas.

    1. True.I just now can remember the first names of the ladies in my group! It took me 6 minutes months! 🤣

  3. I hope those static shocks go away for you. That would be bothersome. Your aloe vera plants are so unusual looking. I love aloe vera and all the benefits that comes from this plant. My mother-in-law first introduced me to it many years ago, and ever since then, I was hooked. It's getting hot here too, but not too bad. Still cool in the mornings. That's so nice of you and your son to go to all the thrift stores. It sounds like you have a close relationship. I also do with my son. Tell him to be careful on his adventure river tubing. My cousin died river rafting long ago, and it was so sad for all the family. Always enjoy your posts, Debby.

    Wishing you many good June days.


    1. That's so sad, Sheri. He will be with friends, and he has a life jacket. Other than that, there's nothing I can do about it. I tell him to be careful, and I pray. I want him to enjoy life - and have fun. He's just an adventurous guy, and he likes to take risks. I do trust his judgment as he is no longer immature. However, anything can happen. It's just the way it is...

    2. That's the way a mother should be.....give them words of advice, pray, and let them be.

  4. The aloe does look like bananas! Better put my glasses on. lol They are pretty. I didn't know aloe grows like that. Now I'm intrigued and want one.
    Happy to hear that Laydee doesn't have anything life threatening. That is good news!
    We're blessed to have a local meat source from a cattle farm. They very carefully raise their beef cattle with no vax's and make their own food. Their beef is cheaper than the grocery store plus we know how it was raised. They also sell chicken, pork, cheese, and other products from local small merchants. Our freezer is bursting with their goodies. What a blessing. My husband's sister and her family plan to move here too from South Florida because it's so much cheaper, freer, and easier to live in our area.
    I too am convinced that smaller non-denominational Grace believing Churches are the best. I feel kinda lost in a mega-church. Ours may be small but have community outreach which is something the mega's can lose sight of. I hope y'all find one that fits like a nice warm glove.
    Y'all have a blessed weekend! 💙

    1. We buy our meat from a butcher shop - all local meat. If you catch their weekly deals, their prices are comparable to supermarket prices. Anyway, you can't put a price on quality.

  5. The Aloe is very interesting. I've never seen it bloom, nor grown here. It does look like bananas though.

    1. Only by looks - texture is soft like rose petals.

  6. Dearest Debby,
    That is good news about Laydee!
    Those Aloe Vera flowers are indeed stunning. Have to show ours one day...
    Good luck with the Church.

  7. They do look like bananas. Sounds like a nice shopping trip with your son. I'm glad Laydee is okay. So glad you have clicked with the woman from the church. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Except they are not hard like bananas - they are soft like chiffon.

  8. Wow! I never knew aloe plants did that! Reminds me of the agave/century plant that we have been watching. Praying for you as you try out the new church. I pray it will be a good fit for you both. We love our little church, which less than 100 people. Everyone loves the Lord and it is a very happy place, full of the joy of the Lord! The main thing is, does the Pastor preach the Word of God? So many churches have tried to change the Bible to fit our society today...and that is causing many to go astray. If God's Word is not our ONLY guide for living, then we soon find ourselves drifting into deep waters with no way of escape. May God be with you and show you His perfect plan for you!!

    1. As I already am attending their woman's Bible study on Thursdays, and we've been watching the Pastor's sermon, we know he teaches the truth from the Word of God - and yes, that is essential. I truly hope this is the church we will call home soon!

  9. Yes I also think the aloe vera looks like bananas but I bet they don't taste like them.
