Flame Grilled Hodgepodge

 From this Side of the Pond

1. Growing up, at what age did you think you'd become an adult?

 As a child, I didn't have a specific age in mind for what constituted an adult. I just remember thinking that anyone 30 and older was ancient. 

 At what age did you become an adult? 

When I turned 18, I voted in my first Presidential election in 1972, between Nixon and McGovern. 

Moving out of my parent's house at 19 to live in my first apartment was a big step toward independence for me. My mom warned me that if I moved out, I couldn't come back, but she later clarified that she didn't mean it in a hurtful way, but rather to encourage me to stand on my own feet. I had a good job and was a member of a union, which provided me with health, dental, and vision coverage. I paid $180 a month for rent and took evening classes, all without relying on my parents' support. I felt like a real adult!

 2. What's a favorite item you've bought this year?

 I can only think of two books for my genealogy research. I'm sure once I post this, I'll think of something else. 

 3. May 28th is National Hamburger Day...are you a fan? 

 I wouldn't say I'm a "fan" of hamburgers or the day. LOL. I enjoy eating a good hamburger, and that's about it. 

 If so, how do you like yours? 

 Lettuce, tomatoes, onions, mayo, and toasted bun. No cheese for me anymore. Sometimes, I like grilled onions and mushrooms without the tomato and lettuce. I do enjoy patty melts, which are mostly considered a "sandwich." My burger has to be beef. I absolutely gag if it is a ground turkey or chicken burger. To me, that is not a burger! I don't use ground turkey or chicken in anything. 

 When was the last time you had a hamburger? 

 Sunday, we grilled hamburgers. 

 Besides the backyard grill, what's your favorite place to go for a burger? 

 In-N-Out offers the best burger in town for the price. Another great place downtown is Woody's Brewery, which makes a mean hamburger! 

 4. How have your priorities changed over time? 

Life shows up; I am now "senior-adulting."  The things that I once thought were important are no longer a priority at this stage of my life. 

 5. What's one thing on your June calendar you're really looking forward to? 

 I have 2-afternoon classes I have signed up for - Antisemitism Knows No Party (Tamara Berens & David Bernstein) through the Friends of Israel. 

 6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I’ll pass on the random thoughts! 

Thanks for dropping by and reading. Until next time, 



  1. We had hamburgers on Monday. I like mine just like you eat yours!
    Bet that class is going to be interesting.

  2. Chronologically, I became adult at 15 because I had to raise myself. I had to be tough or my mind would have snapped from all the abuse. I took myself to Church, got a job and stayed out of the house as much as possible. Then I married too young because I had no confidence but I think I didn't become mentally an adult (i.e. Spiritually mature) until about the age of 28 or so. Before that I was a brat: self-centered, foul-mouthed, drove too fast, drank too much, consumed by my own desires. I finally reached bottom because that's unsustainable. I got down on my knees in anguish and gave my heart completely to Jesus and He has been teaching me how to be less me and more Him ever since: generous, loving, forgiving, and kind. I want to be all those things. Living without Him is awful. It's empty and pointless. I still mess up but at least I've picked a better road to travel down.
    Steve gave me two more genealogy books for my birthday, forgot to post about that. He's so sweet. They are "History of Pierce County, Georgia" Vol. II & III. That's the County we live in and through my birth-family I'm related to many of them. Didn't know that when we moved here! If that's not the hand of God and His mercy ... !! It's wonderful to realize I'm not a mistake, that I have a purpose and that I am related to others who are nice people. Isn't it super cool how His tender mercies are ever present?!
    Thanks for listening to my ramblings. You sure are appreciated.
    Love from your Sister In Christ. Keep looking up!💙

    1. I enjoy your ramblings! We both have a couple things in common. Our love for Jesus and we enjoy Genealogy! I purchased the one book but haven’t received it yet. It comes this month and I’m very excited for it.
      It makes me sad about your hard life growing up. Hey we all mess up but like you said, “at least we all have a better road to travel on”
      Life isn’t easy. Some of us have had our share of hard times but as I get older I could it all as blessings -
      Always a joy to hear from you. 😘

  3. Wow! You sure were independent at 19 years old! I don't eat hamburgers a lot but the first on of the season off the grill is the best! My go to fast food burger is Culvers,

  4. Happy Hodgepodge to you. I enjoyed learning more about you.

    Your class sounds very interesting.

  5. Cute picture of you. Yes, moving out was a huge step! I agree on the burger. Hope your classes go well. Take care.

    1. Moving out of my parents house was so fun. Almost immediately my sister moved into my old room so there was no going back to live!

  6. I wish we had an In N Out around here. I have never even seen one anywhere. You were so adorable in this photo!!!

    1. It’s one of my favorites. I call it “Daddy’s Girl”

  7. Interesting questions today. I guess I became an adult when I went from living at home, having a job and getting married at 20. We are still going strong after 60 years..that'll grow you up real fast.
    Your classes in June sound very interesting..looking forward to hearing all about them. We are looking forward to our Oldest Granddaughter coming to visit us, her parents and friends for a week or so. It will be so nice to catch up in person. Haven't seen her since Christmas.

    1. Hi again, thank you for the comments just now on my blog. The statement about sometimes God has us sit on the sidelines because He has a plan...really hit home. I know Steve isn't trying to run the show but he doesn't feel like he's fulfilling his ministry of using the camera for good. Yes, we will sit on the sidelines and see what God has in the works..Thanks again,

    2. Congratulations on 60 years - that is amazing. Your visit from your granddaughter sounds like fun.
      I’m hoping it all works out for your son.

  8. We like hamburgers here at my house. I like to eat them at home best on the grill. If not on the grill we broil them. Don't really eat them anywhere else.

    1. It’s getting to be expensive so we’ve had to cut back from eating out and that included hamburgers!

  9. Great answers

    Growing up I never thought about being an adult, it just happened.
    I haven’t bought much this year.
    I like hamburgers but mostly only homemade burgers.
    I think it is normal for our priorities to change over time as we change over time.
    Must be my youngest daughter’s 35 birthday.
    Be beautiful inside our hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God.

    1. True before you know it, you’re all grown up - then we’re old. Life sure goes by fast.

  10. Another vote for In-N-Out! I enjoyed reading your post.

  11. I would really enjoy a burger from In N Out right now. That black and white of you is precious! Wow $180 for rent...those were the days. Good for you for being so self-sufficient. Happy Hodgepodge to you!

    1. It had an ocean view! I’ll have to dig through old photos. It was a cute junior one bedroom.

  12. My husband and my daughter have had In N Out burgers and tell me how great they are, but there aren't any of that chain near me so I have yet to try it. Oh, and I remember when I thought 30 was OLD! LOL Hope you have a great week!

    1. It’s because everything is cooked fresh - potatoes are cut and sliced. Like a homemade burger from home. Plus they are a good Christian company who treats their workers good - my son used to be in the management program there.

  13. I have heard good things about In n´ Out but they must not be this far east yet (we are in Ohio so not exactly east, east!!). What an adorable picture of you when you were younger. As generations have passed, growing up seems to take longer and longer...You sure were independent at a young age!

  14. We don't eat fast food anymore but two years ago while in Texas, we ate at In n Out to see what all the fuss was about. It was good but I don't miss fast food!

  15. We have started smoking our burgers and man those are good. I think I considered myself grown up the year I got married.

    God bless.

  16. I always think of other things I could add to my answers after I read everyone elses post. Lol.
