Mother's Day 2024

I hope everyone is still enjoying their Mother's Day celebrations.

This morning, my husband and I had a delightful breakfast. Although we had to wait for 35 minutes, the restaurant was bustling with customers, and the queues stretched out onto the street when we left.

I drove up to the Veterans Cemetery to pay my respects to my mom.

It was such a gorgeous morning. 

Some of the views from where the cremation niche is at

Built-in 1886

We're leaving the cemetery and driving through Igo, a small town with a population of 103 according to the 2020 census.

Here's the Inn when it was just a house - 

This area appears to have been affected by past wildfires, 
as seen in this old photo. It looks a bit smoky to me. 

Drove a mile away, parked, and decided to walk down a trail in Happy Valley.

Enjoying the beautiful views of wildflowers around me.

It's getting warm. 

I would like to construct a cute small house at this location, with that stunning view as my scenery.

During our journey back home, we made a stop at Horsetown/Clear Creek Gouge. This place has a rich history related to the gold rush. In 1848, Major Pierson B. Reading discovered gold on the creek, and soon, miners flocked to the area. Clear Creek Diggings, later renamed Horsetown, rapidly became a bustling town with a population of 1,000 by 1850. Unfortunately, most of the town was destroyed by a fire in 1868. Nowadays, it is a part of Redding.

This is my favorite spot for gold panning. 

We haven't been in a while, but maybe this year...

I found this photo that I was saving for Mother's Day. It's a picture of my Aunt Reba with her triplets, two boys and a girl. She already had two little ones, making it a total of five kids for her. I wrote about my cousin Terry here.  

Tonight the husband is making pizza. 

All in all, it has been a pleasant day. No fuss. 

I will post tomorrow about what happened at Navy's home last night. 

Enjoy Your day Mother's - You deserve it. 



  1. It looks like you've had a very nice day. I agree that a home in that spot would be perfect!
    Now I'm waiting to find out what happened at Navy's place!

  2. Dearest Debby,
    It sure was a perfectly clear day for visiting your Mom's grave.
    Nature looking at its best right now.
    Your aunt looked so happy with her triplets—a perfect Mother's Day photo!

  3. What a pretty day for a walk. Wow, 5 kids.

  4. I am so impressed with all the little towns that you know along the way. That is a treasured photo of your Aunt Reba. I just did a post today about my favorite tv moms, and Reba was one of them haha. Homemade pizza sounds delicious. The gold mining area is interesting. I always wondered what areas in California had the gold mining. So nice that you saw your mom at the cemetery. I really miss visiting my mom and dad there. It's always a peaceful time for me.

    Happy Mother's Day Debby!


  5. Wow. Five kids! That's a lot! Looks like you had a great day. Happy Mom's Day!

  6. The view from the cemetery is gorgeous!! Hope you enjoyed the pizza!

  7. Hi Debby! Wow, those are beautiful pictures. I would love to visit your part of California. We have never been much north of Sutter County. Glad you had a nice Mother's Day. Cute picture of your aunt and her triplets. Enjoy the week ahead!

  8. Sorry your Mom is gone too. My Mom's grave is too distant to visit. Her remains rest in Titusville, Florida. Her memorial is on FindAGrave under Helen Mae Koethe Ackman (d. 1966) if anyone wants to visit. I should have but I didn't this year. I've kinda moved on emotionally.
    Your area is quite pretty. It's been cool and rainy here. So nice.
    Sending blessings to you all. 💙

  9. It sounds like a perfect day.

  10. We had a nice quiet Mother's Day too. So glad you could visit the cemetery and some of those small towns. I never heard of Igo and would love to visit it and take a few photos.
    We went to our former church on Sunday since our family was out of town. Saw a few friends we haven't seen for a long time and then out to eat at Mel's..just good homestyle food...then we came home, Dave turned on Nascar racing and we both promptly fell asleep in our recliners..haha..perfection.
    Not going to be quite so hot today but I think the weeding will wait for another day and we will work on eBay photos and research. Gotta keep selling and getting a few bucks in the Checking account.

  11. Beautiful photos. We lived in a house that looked just like that when we lived down state
    in Savage, Md. Our house was built in 1900.

  12. Loved all the photos of scenery around your area. You live in a lovely part of the country! Oh, your aunt with her triplet babies! What a full life she had, with two more already at home! Amazing how some people manage with such "blessings". It was all I could do to manage three babies born separately! LOL. I guess God knows who can handle it and who can't! Glad you had a lovely day on Mother's Day. I already read your later post. Praying for Navy.

  13. Beautiful country! Happy Mother's Day to you!
