Wednesday Hodgepodge from a Bossy First Born

 From this Side of the Pond

1. What impresses you? 

source: my son 

God's Creation. When you really think about it - nothing compares. 

 2. Where are you in your family birth order? 

 I am the firstborn. I enjoyed five years of being the only child before my younger sister was born. 

Do you fit the stereotype of that particular slot? In what way?

My sister would tease me and say I was pinching her. 
I wasn' least, I don't think so. 

My most accurate traits are being bossy, independent, and overly responsible. Being the only child for five years gave me a sense of independence. I could entertain myself for hours without other children. I learned to read before I was five years old, which was rare back in the 1950s. I also enjoyed being around adults more than children my own age. 

After my sister was born, I guess I became bossy, like mothering. There were things my mom did that I didn't agree with, and I would tell her so. Mom would return with, "I'm the Mom, not you." 

During the years when my mom was going through changes, my sister was in high school. She would often come to my apartment to stay with me and thought of me, at times, as her second mom. 

 3. What motivates you more-a reward or a consequence? Elaborate. 

 Good question. 

I've always been motivated by consequences. During my past, I had to deal with some unpleasant outcomes due to poor choices. Eventually, I realized that I didn't enjoy facing those consequences, which prompted me to start making better decisions. There are also positive consequences, such as the feeling of accomplishment after a job well done and when I've done something right.

Nowadays, we tend to dole out rewards, often for poor behavior. I don't agree with that. Consequences are the answer for lives to be changed.

 4. May 14th is National Buttermilk Biscuit Day. Who thinks biscuits deserve their own day? 

 I couldn't care less.

 Do you like biscuits? 

I enjoy biscuits when they are well-made. My grandmother made delicious biscuits.

Make your own? 

I used to. I had a delicious biscuit on Mother's Day.

 Grab one for breakfast at a drive-through now and then? 


 Which drive-through makes the one you like best? 

I wouldn’t know. 

 What do you like to put on a biscuit? 

 Butter and sometimes strawberry jam 

 What's your favorite food or dish that calls for buttermilk?

Homemade ranch dressing 

 5. Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? 

 We don't have any weddings on our calendar. 

The last wedding we attended was my son's wedding on February 29, 2020. 

My husband giving a blessing. 
This was touching for me. 

What's your favorite part of a wedding/wedding reception? 

When the father walks his daughter down the aisle, it always brings a lump to my throat, as does the Father-Daughter Dance.

 6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I was in a food class in high school, and each table was considered a group. I sat at a table with all boys, and when it was time to name our table/group, we all came up with the "Better Biscuit Bureau." I loved cooking and learning, and since I was the only girl in my group of cute guys, it was my favorite class! The only thing - I had to make sure these guys washed their hands before handling the food. 




  1. "... bossy, independent, and overly responsible" That's me! lol I'm an only child. Maybe that explains it.
    Handsome son and daughter-in-law!
    Being a born and bred Southerner I once was a biscuit connoisseur. Not any more. Too many carbs but I do miss a good buttermilk lathered in melted butter. 💙

    1. I don't eat bread-like foods that much anymore. Special occasions only. They are good though.

  2. I love ranch dressing too, especially when it's homemade. I am an only child, and could always entertain myself.

    1. I had a make-believe friend named Bobby. I know of the tales my parents told me -

  3. Dearest Debby,
    You are absolutely right about nowadays praising and rewarding way too much!
    Discipline is something that needs to be taught—at the home and at school.

    1. I was always against the "everybody gets a trophy" type of sports. So I took my sons out of that and put them into a competitive league, where they had to earn their trophies. I remember when Navy was 4 and they were in the outfield, and we were told not to keep score because of "feelings." Yet at the end of the game, guess who was keeping score? At only 4-5 years old, they were competitive and figured it out - why play these games if nobody wins or everybody wins? It still goes on today.

  4. I also was the first born and my sister came along 5 years later. I also learned to read early and started first grade when I was 4 years old. Some say I am bossy too, but I would say just more assertive. Beautiful wedding picture. Janice

    1. I have always been on the bossy side. I can't help it. I also was a Nanny for 16 years, and at times, my husband makes me laugh - by telling me, "I don't need a Nanny." or "You're not my Nanny." Lol

      I can't help myself but I am getting better...I think.

  5. I 💛 your response to #1! #2 made me laugh out loud. (Sorry little sis!)

    1. Oh there were times, when I know I pinched her - that was just one time, I don't remember. lol

  6. God´s creation is amazing! I love the name of your food group in high school- how fun to cook with a bunch of cute boys :).

    1. You got that right! I made some good guy friends in that class.

  7. Lately, I've found recipes for buttermilk in pumpkin and regular einkorn flour pancake recipes. I've used it recently in a blueberry muffin recipe too.

    1. I've never used einkore flour. I bet they were good.

  8. your answer of firstborn, is me, every word you wrote, but when we go to consequences, no one tells me to do or not do anything because despite the consequences I will do it.
    my uncle walked me down the aisle because my dad married us, he was our pastor. there was no a dry eye in the church, because Daddy and his brother Uncle Jack were both crying, which made me cry

    1. Aww how special to have your dad officiate at your wedding and for your uncle to walk you down the aisle.

  9. My sister and I were only 16 months apart and we were close. I am sure the younger too thought I was bossy! Yes, to God's creations! Beautiful wedding picture!

    1. Thank you. I rarely post personal photos due to privacy. Fortunately my son and his wife do not read my blog.

  10. I enjoyed your #3!!! Well said!!!

    I enjoyed the memory of the wedding as well, beautiful!!!


  11. Not much impresses me, I am the first born and pretty much the stereotype first born and no bloody idea what motivates me, never given it any thought.
    When a moment of happiness takes you by surprise, enjoy it and old on to it in your memory.

    1. I had never given it any thought either until I read the question and then...thought about it. lol

  12. That's a beautiful answer for #1. Love the photo of you with your sister. I love your answer on what you love most at a wedding. Cute photos of your son and daughter in law. Enjoyed your random answer. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Debby. You enjoy yours as well. God Bless

  13. I enjoyed your answers. The last one made me chuckle.
