Well, I never...

This was us last night, around midnight or 1am - Little did we know that, the northern lights were here! 

My son told me it might come again tonight. But if it is at that late of time, we'll miss it again.  I heard it was seen all over the country and parts of Europe. 

Did you see it? Take any photos? What a sight. 

Good for her! 

My husband is out spending time with his daughter, Char - 
She bought a new-to-her-used car. It only has 66,339 miles on it. I don't know what she paid, but she got a low-interest loan due to her disability. 

2015 KIA Soul

She had totaled her car back in February or March 
and has been taking the bus to work. 

 It's a cute little car. It's best that she has a car because she lives in a downtown neighborhood, and you know how some downtown neighborhoods can be. I read the crime stats of her neighborhood, and it's terrible. During 2020, she had homeless people living on her roof!  Now, if only she would get a newer apartment in a better area. It's hard to leave $300 a month for rent! She is subsidized by the city and state due to her disability, and she is very fearful of major change. 


As I have explained in the past, whenever a holiday falls on a Sunday, Foodie, Navy, and Sara have to work that day. Yesterday, Foodie and I acknowledged Mother's Day. He's sweet—he told me he would spend the day with other mothers at the Care facility who won't get flowers, cards, and visits from their children. I hadn't really thought about that before and I am glad he is there for them. 

In the afternoon, we are planning to have dinner at Navy's home.

For tomorrow, we have decided to skip church and go out for breakfast instead. We may also go for a drive. Personally, I am not a fan of holidays and prefer normal, regular days. Nevertheless, I will endure and make the most of it.

I wonder what that is all about? 

During my first marriage, my ex-husband worked at the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) and he never had weekends off. However, I learned to appreciate the mid-week weekends on Wednesdays and Thursdays. As he would get paid double time and a half for holidays, we mutually agreed that he would work them. Since he worked an early day shift from 6 am to 2 pm, it wasn't too difficult to still have dinner on holidays. 

I know I am an oddball. lol

Tanning season! 

This morning, I laid in the sun for about 30 minutes. I love the warmth on my body and feel so energized after soaking up that natural vitamin D. I'm old school when it comes to tanning. I use a tanning lotion or oil such as Maui Babe or Hawaiian Tropic SPF 4.  If I'm going to be out in the sun for hours, like at a ballgame or someplace similar,  I will wear sunscreen. However, for the most part, I don't use it. I sit out no more than 35 minutes. When the temperatures are 100 degrees or higher, I don't.   I haven't had a sunburn in decades - I don't get overly dark for my fair complexion - I like a little color, especially on my arms and legs. 

Well, I guess that's it for me - I have to assemble my cabbage salad and dressing and then run over to Safeway for dessert. 

I wish you all a Happy Mother's Day—

whatever that looks like for you. 



  1. Our youngest son has a Kia Soul as well and just loves it.

    We did not see the lights last night but perhaps if they are once again visible tonight we will get to see them. It wasn't because we weren't watching for them either. Guess it just was not the right time.

    God bless.

    1. I don’t recall the Northern lights this far south. Interesting

  2. I celebrate for 3 days. Thursday with middle son, today with firstborn son and kids, and tomorrow with daughter and family. Happy Mother's Day!

  3. No, I didn't see the northern lights! I didn't even hear about them! Have always wanted to experience that. So good of Foodie to spend the day at the care facility with the mothers who have no one visiting. You have a good son there....and another one who will make dinner for you in the afternoon. I don 't overdue the holidays any more either. Maybe it's our age. A nice drive and breakfast sounds just right. It's been really warm here. I don't sit out in the sun for long, but sometimes when I'm outside, I just let the sun hit my face for a bit and take in the warmth after a long cold Winter.

    Happy Mother's Day, Debby.


    **Yes, that was ME in the baby picture. ; )

    1. Very warm day and I finally kicked on the AC.
      That was a cute photo of you. I could still see “you” in the photo. 🌹 Happy Mothers Day

  4. We had the southern lights last night here in South Australia and missed them! We were actually sitting outside at a friend's house but under cover and didn't realise they were happening. On the way home the friend who was with us got a text from her daughter with photos she'd taken. They were pretty spectacular!

    1. Wow so they were all over. Amazing. Some here saw them and took photos. I was sound asleep! 😴

  5. Sounds like a good day to hang out in the sun. I missed the sky last night. Didn't know about it. Will try today if I'm not passed out from being sick.

    1. I probably will miss it. I just can’t stay up that late. If I do I am messed up for days! I need my sleep!

  6. We used to have a Safeway here maybe forty years ago. Then they left and there are none anywhere near here, maybe for over a hundred miles. We looked for the lights, but did not see them. Then today we found they were all brilliant and pink here. Don't know how we missed them!

    1. We have Safeways all over here in California. I don’t usually shop there - a bit spendy. We have 2 here in my town.
      I thought if you - hoping you saw it so you could take photos! Maybe tonight.

  7. Nice looking car, Mother's Day has always been important to me just like Father's Day sadly my daughter's think it is just another day.

  8. Apparently the Northern Lights were visible all over Michigan. I had every intention of going somewhere to see them but I did not set a reminder on my phone so I actually forgot all about them! What a disappointment! I hate this bad memory stuff that happens as we age! Cute car that Char got. I see a lot of those around here lately!

  9. Northern lights seem beautiful even though I wasn't able to view it even though I went outside a few times on Friday night. My daughter showed it around 11 p.m. but I was in bed. Never saw it on Saturday/Sunday night even when I went out 4 times. Hard at where we live to view it. I've seen photos of it on Facebook and it's beautiful 😍! Adorable eagles you shared. Have a blessed week.

  10. I missed the lights too. Did not hear about them until Saturday morning. People in my area saw them Friday night but not on Saturday. I went out of a bit Saturday night but nothing.
    The Copperton picture reminded me of a billboard I used to see on the way to Salinas that had motion. The little dog pulled the girls suit bottom up and down. I cannot remember exactly where it was but I think it might have been close to San Jose.
    Both my brother and niece each had a Kia Soul for a while and both like that car. I remember how roomy the back seat was for a small car.
