Boulder Lake

Mountain Phlox is surrounded by Manzanita

My son and husband have returned safely. My husband was exhausted. He dragged himself through the front door and immediately tossed his stinky clothes into the washer before jumping into the shower. 

Of course, I'm eager to hear all the details about their trip, 

every single minute of it! 

I had to wait. After showering, he shared his photos with me and recounted his enjoyable yet challenging backpacking experience. The trek involved ascending to 6600 feet, with a part of the hike dedicated to teetering on granite mountain ridges. Once they reached the final ridge, it was downhill for roughly half a mile to reach the lake.

What a refreshing sight that must have been!


As they journeyed through the spotty, charred landscape, they came across isolated patches of snow. The weight of his backpack was heavy on his shoulders and back, causing his legs to ache. He saw that his age was catching up with him.  He couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps he should have practiced carrying a heavy load, like a backpack filled with bricks, to better prepare for the strenuous trek, as I had suggested, and he just ignored it. 

My son kindly stayed behind with him so as not to slow down the rest of the party, and I was pleased with his thoughtfulness, which touched my Mother's heart. My husband said he didn't ask him; he just did it.  💗 A little later down the trail Foodie stepped in and lightened his load by taking some of his stuff. 

Finally, they got to camp. 

My son, the Pastor, and another man embarked on a hike to a different lake and mountaintop and spent the majority of the day there. The evening was pleasantly highlighted by a feast featuring sumptuous grass-fed steaks, marinated venison, roasted onions, green and red peppers, and cherry tomatoes. Needless to say, they all enjoyed the meal tremendously and they dined like royalty!

He said he enjoyed a refreshing swim in the serene, COLD, sparkling lake.

The majestic mountain in the background stands tall, with peaks dusted with patches of snow, reaching approximately 7500 feet in elevation. They saw fish jumping up to catch insects. 

During their journey back, the going was tough. My husband and son were making slow progress due to my husband's back, shoulder, and legs. His body was tired!  My husband said he was relieved when the Pastor came back for him and to check on him. What a Jesus thing to do as he graciously shouldered my husband's pack and carried it the rest of the way to the truck.

That really touched me. 

I was really touched by his thoughtfulness towards my husband.

All the men, including the Pastor, were present at church today, bonding over their shared fatigue.

As we were driving home, my husband told me about an interesting idea one of the guys suggested - create a hiking pack with wheels, similar to a furniture dolly but lighter. Given my husband's engineering background, he's intrigued by the possibility of bringing that idea to life. He knows if he wants to go again, he has to make it work and find that solution! 

Additionally, another guy on the trip, around the same age as my husband,  is an amputee. On the trail, he had brought along his mountain bike with his pack loaded on it. He explained that during the previous year, the challenging hike had caused discomfort in his amputated leg due to rubbing. However, this time around, with the assistance of the mountain bike, he had a smooth and pain-free experience. Granted there were some areas he had to walk the bike but all in all, it was successful for him. 

My Take Away

Husbands who are getting older should listen to their wives. I figure he knows his own limitations - all I did was suggest he get his pack and prepare for the heavy load. 

Part of the reason his pack was so heavy was he had to bring his c-pap machine and the battery which is heavy! In that high altitude and his sleep apnea he cannot go one night without it. I wouldn't want him to. That's why making something on wheels might be a good idea. He'll figure it out. 

He is amazing though - right now he is walking around outside in this 103 heat, doing things around the yard. 



  1. I'm exhausted just reading about it!

  2. The lake is gorgeous, with such beautiful water! I know your husband will invent the pack on wheels, and I really hope you will post it when he does. So glad they are back safe and sound

    1. They do sell them but way too expensive for our budget. He’d have to make it.

  3. I am impressed that he hiked with his C-pap. That is a lot of extra to take hiking for sure. In our camping group we now have 5 people using a C-pap but they are not packing them on their backs! My brother was trying to talk a friend of his to go on one of our camping trips and the friend said I cannot even take a nap without the C-pap or I wake up feeling like I have a hangover. My brother laughed and said we had 5 C-pap users on the last camping trip. We can hook you up. He did end up coming camping with us.

    1. Yes I was surprised how heavy it was once he got back.
      That’s funny. There are a lot of c-pap users and it does keep many from enjoying the overnight camping trips unless they have a battery.

  4. *sigh* How I miss being able to do hikes like that. Yes, your Hubby needs to be careful about the sleep apnea but glad it all worked out ok. Such a pretty area. Being in nature is my "thing" too and I enjoy being out in it. Y'all stay safe. 💙

    1. Being in nature away from everything is such a lift to one’s spirit and soul. Unplugging from the outside world is like a retreat with our Creator. Who wouldn’t want to do that?

  5. Thankful that they all had a safe and fulfilling trip. He has much to be proud of of in himself. A hike up and down a mountain is difficult enough, and then to be carrying a heavy load makes for additional exhaustion. I am sure he saw some beautiful things along the way, which may have lightened his load some. Your son stepped in and helped his dad and this is pure love. Can you imagine taking a swim in the cool waters of that lake. I'm guessing that was pretty refreshing for them. I know you were so glad to see them both.

    1. I bet that cold water swim was nice! Some of them swam at night under moonlight.
      Awesome experience!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful trip! And yay for Foodie for being such a good guy! Good for your husband for completing that trip. The pack with meals sounds like a good idea.

    1. I know he’s a good guy inside him - he was a rebellious as a teen and young adult. Thankfully he’s maturing and the things he learned as a child, is now dear to him. It just always makes me smile and Thank God.

  7. What an amazing walk. The scenery is breathtaking. What kind thoughtful sons you have. :)

    1. Thank you. They’re maturing and are thankful. Both have been rebellious and gave me a few gray hairs in the past. But I believe in Proverbs 22;6 Train up the children!

  8. WOW.... that is awesome!!! And I love how everyone lifted everyone up when needed.

  9. Maybe he packed too much for his age, but most people do not like admitting to themselves that they are not as young and fit and strong as they once were. It is good that your son was there to help as were others, at least they had a good time and took some wonderful photos.

    1. He crammed his backpack with excessive belongings he didn't need plus that battery pack and c-pap machine weighed a ton! He plans to go next year but will build a backpacking trailer to use.

  10. Totally agree that aging husbands should listen to their wives. I am so glad your son and the pastor gave him a helping hand. It does seem like he did enjoy the hike overall though.

    God bless.

    1. lol - it's a good thing he doesn't read my blog.
