NuPon and our church visit


I snapped a photo of the tree in my backyard that popped up last summer. Weirdly, my phone has no clue what it is. It grows white flowers that eventually fall off, and it doesn't have any fruit. It might be some kind of nut tree. It just showed up next to our workshed. This area grows olive trees, walnuts, pistachios, and almonds. Looks like something the birds dropped from somewhere else. It is much bigger than last summer. 

Last week, I took a walk by the Sacramento River. 

This is one of many parks we have on the river. This is called Nu Pon. It means Salmon Run in the Winnemen Wintu language. 

The Winnemem Wintu (Middle River People) are a Native American band 

of the Wintu tribe originally from this area.

Standing on the bridge looking both ways. 

When it is the salmon run, you can look down into the clear waters and see them spawning. 

The riverlets meander off from the main river
and weaves in and out - creating habitat for wildlife and protective fish channels. The young salmon and other fish can safely grow before emerging into the big river. 

Isn't it incredible that this is located right in the heart of our town? 

Since the Wintu lived in this area, many plants were used for their medicines. The Mulleins have a long history of treating respiratory health, wound cleaning, and urinary tract infections.

I wouldn't know how to use it for medicine - but I don't think it's such a bad idea the way things are going in this country to learn. 

The flowers are pretty and dainty. 

A view of the big river - 

We've taken Laydee to this spot before to swim. 

I chose not to walk among these plants, so I attempted to get a not-so-good close-up. The beautiful trumpet flower, which is quite large, is known as a sacred thorn apple and belongs to the Nightshade family. Another name for it is the Devil's Trumpet. Due to its psychoactive alkaloids, it is often used as a hallucinogen. There are many patches of these plants growing beside the river.

This was a nice shady spot. 

Heading back. 

We'll be back. 


This morning, we went to the church I have been attending on Thursdays for Bible study and prayer. We were welcomed by all the ladies who already knew me, and that always makes a person feel wanted. We enjoyed the teaching and the worship.  Afterward, there was fellowship downstairs, and everyone was friendly. We are looking forward to going back next week!

It will soon be dinner - tonight it is vegetable lasagna and a spinach salad. 

Until next time,



  1. It'll be interesting to see what happens with your little tree as it grows - and what it will be!
    Your river walk was so pretty, you are lucky to have that so close to you.
    Glad church went well!

  2. Your river photos are beautiful. And the river is so beautiful and blue! Maybe you have found your new church! Is it the same denomination as the one you had been going to?

    1. Yes - a non-denominational Bible teaching church.

  3. What a pretty place. The water looks so clear and clean. Bet it smells good too, like bodies of water always do.
    Interesting tree. We have "volunteers" pop up on our property from time to time. It's always fun trying to discover what it is.
    Glad the Church worked out well. We might be Church shopping soon. Had sad news yesterday concerning ours. I feel so gut kicked. Guess I'll post about it when I can get my muddled thoughts together. Need more coffee.
    Have a blessed day! 💙

  4. Wonderful pictures! I loved them beautiful there!! And I am happy to hear that your church visit went so well. I am praying for you and your hubby to find the place where God wants you to be!

    1. Thank you. We will be there this Sunday as well.

  5. That is such a beautiful area to walk! Interesting facts about all the plants!

    1. There was a time I didn't pay much attention to birds or wild plants, and now I'm intrigued. Funny how age changes our perspective on the life around us.

  6. How interesting about the mystery tree. Lovely photos.

  7. Thank you for sharing all the plants... you know me, I love plants and learning about them. :-)
    Praying the church will be a good fit for you.

  8. What a beautiful river and place to go walking.
    Hope things work out with the church. It is such a blessing when you find the right one.

    1. That is so true. It makes a huge difference in our lives when we have a good solid church home.

  9. I have no idea what that tree is either, the river looks so blue and so calm.

  10. What a beautiful area right in the middle of your town. I used to plant Angel Trumpet but always worried that some druggy would enter the yard for the seed pods. The medicinal purposes of plants is one of the reasons I have been making my own salves and lotions. I really need to get out and pick more dandelions as my salve is almost all gone.

    God bless.

    1. Oh my - That river area used to have a colony of homeless druggies - I wonder if they knew about those plants? I saw a corner house that had a lawn full of dandelions and funny, I did think of you!
