Oh Wondrous June

Oh, wondrous June!
Our lives should be like thee...
with such calm, grace -
 fulfilling with destiny.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson

June 1 - 

I find it incredible that in just 6 months, we'll all be filled with the excitement 
and joy of the Christmas season. 

For this time, I'll cherish the present moment in June, appreciating this peaceful area near my home that I often visit on weekdays. 

Today marks the beginning of June, and I'll savor every moment.

It was peacefully serene - 

with the occasional cry of a majestic raven 

or the call of a Canada geese from the pond. 

Last year, a new tree sprouted in my yard, and its leaves are similar. 

 I took a photo to identify it, and my phone suggested it's a black walnut.  

I'm not convinced that my little sprig of a tree is a black walnut tree. 

The only thing missing is a glass of lemonade...

In June 

A quiet hour beneath the trees; A little, whispering, lazy breeze; A perfect sky, Where, now and then, an idle cloud Strayed from its mates to wander by, And near the border of the wood A thrush that sang, serene and strong, The flute notes of the perfect song We almost understood; Then eventide—and in the light The mystery that preludes the night. 

by Matilda Hughes 



  1. The first six months have passed in a blink, on the 6th my youngest daughter will be 35, damn it feels like only yesterday she was a baby

  2. The second photo is my favorite, with the beautiful willows! You live in such a beautiful area.

  3. June is a great month. It looks like a black walnut to me.

    1. The tree in the photo is a black walnut. My little twig tree in my back yard is not. It has similar leaves.

  4. Now you have up and scared me... talking about Christmas, I mean. Where in the world are the days going? They are just flying by now. Have a great weekend.

  5. I am always amazed at how quickly time passes as we age. I can remember thinking up until the summer holidays things really dragged, now nothing really drags.

    Hmmm, I wonder what kind of tree you have.

    God bless.

    1. I remember as a youngster how long time seemed to be. I guess as we get older, we notice how fast it goes by. It’s surreal

  6. June is here and I certainly am not ready for Christmas to be near. So much beauty around your home. Looks very peaceful.. enjoy the summer...

    1. Me neither. I feel I’m still getting over Christmas 2023!

  7. Willows are pretty. Our yard is too dry to grow any.
    June is SE Georgia means more heat, humidity and bugs are on the way. Time to hide in the A/C until mid-to-late September. *lol* 💙

    1. Our neighbor had a willow and my dad planted a willow here but the roots spread to the plumbing and they had to be cut down. They need to be near a natural water source with a lot of room for their traveling roots.
      We don’t have many flying bugs here probably because we don’t have summer rains and humidity. Just heat. Supposed to be 110 this week.

  8. Happy June! I'm not ready to think about Christmas yet. :)
    Looks like a perfect day outside for you!

    1. I’m not ready either. Usually by Sept after a hot summer I start longing for those cooler days… then it turns into looking forward to Christmas. Although each year I put off decorations later and later.

  9. Dearest Debby,
    June IS a lovely month and time is flying by...
    Will finally compile Pieter's Memorial Service today—way too long a wait but dear friend that owned the TV station before, was in Africa.
    Grateful for my video and worked till 1:00 AM on the closed captions.

  10. What a peaceful place this looks like. I'm glad you have somewhere you can go near your home to spend some time in nature. That's always important. I was just thinking the same thing the other day....can't believe it's already June! I went up the mountain a little, and there is a lake there that I want to explore next time.

    Have a peaceful Sunday, Debby.


    1. Yes it is nice to be surrounded by a lot of nature. Since living here, the mountains, the river and streams have become my favorite places to just be. Must be an “old age” thing! 😆

  11. The year is definitely going by quickly. Looks like a lovely spot to visit.

    1. Yes it has. We must try and savor the time we have.

  12. Those tree leaves look like a pecan tree... New here...

    1. Hi Donna and welcome!
      Generally we don’t have pecan trees here in Northern California. Almonds and Pistachio’s are king. We’ll keep an eye on it for sure! 😉

  13. Beautiful, peaceful pictures! June is one of my favorite months of the year!

  14. We do not like Black Walnut trees here. The squirrels always leave a nut they forgot and one sprouts up. When they mature, the green shell is toxic and gets all over and if you want to have a mature one cut down around here it will cost in the thousands of dollars because they are such a hard wood. Happy June! Summer is almost here and yes 6 months for Christmas. Where does the time fly. Janice

    1. Usually the walnut trees are grown in groves mostly in the central Joaquin Valley. It’s definitely a nutty mystery!
